Arrival by car
Arrival from the NORTH (A7)
- Please leave the A7 at the motorway interchange Hannover-Kirchhorst to the first junction heading to Kirchhorst, with general direction ZENTRUM / MESSE.
- You are on A 37 now. Please follow it until you reach Kreuzung Pferdeturm. For the next change of direction, it is very important to mind the underground crossing: please turn right before the undergroundcrossing. Follow the signs heading to ZENTRUM and you will get to Hans-Böckler-Allee. This street turns on to Marienstraße.
- Please follow the signs heading to LANDTAG now. It will guide you over Aegidientorplatz on Friedrichswall.
- After about 500 m you will see the Neue Rathaus (New Townhall) on your left. Please turn at the next traffic lights to the right on Karmarschstraße, at the next junction to the left on Leinstraße.
The very next junction on the right leads you from HANNAH-ARENDT-PLATZ to Bohlendamm. - At the end of the street is CONCORDE Hotel Am Leineschloss.
Arrival from the EAST / WEST (A2)
- Please leave A2 at the motorway interchange HANNOVER–HERRENHAUSEN to the first junction heading to ZENTRUM.
- You are on the street AM LEINEUFER now. Please follow it (direction: ZENTRUM).
- The street AM LEINEUFER turns on to WESTSCHNELLWEG (B6).
- Please turn to left at the junction “Schwanenburg-Kreuzung” on BREMERDAMM (still heading in general direction ZENTRUM).
- Please turn to the right at the next traffic lights on BRÜHLSTRASSE, which will turn on to LEIBNIZUFER.
- Please prepare to drive on the left traffic lane as soon as the street expands to several tracks (at the second big junction). On the left traffic lane with direction Landtag, you can turn to the left to KARMARSCHSTRASSE , and again left to LEINSTRASSE. Please drive at HANNNAH-ARENDT-PLATZ to the right. The street ends on BOHLENDAMM.
- In front of you is CONCORDE Hotel am Leineschloß.
Arrival from the SOUTH (A7):
- Please leave the A7 at the motorway interchange Hannover-Süd (general direction: MESSE).
- You are on A 37 now. Please follow it until you reach the MESSESCHNELLWEG. Please follow that street to the junction HANNOVER–ZENTRUM.
- Plase take the exit DÖHREN and turn at the next traffic lights to the right. You will reach HILDESHEIMER STRAßE and follow it for about 3 km to AEGIDIENTORPLATZ.
- Please follow the signs heading to LANDTAG.
- After about 500 m you will see the Neue Rathaus (New Townhall) on your left. Please turn at the next traffic lights to the right on Karmarschstraße, at the next junction to the left on Leinstraße.
The very next junction on the right leads you from HANNAH-ARENDT-PLATZ to Bohlendamm. - At the end of the street is CONCORDE Hotel Am Leineschloss.