Please drive through Bohlendamm and turn to the left; at the traffic light, turn to the right. When you reach the next traffic lights, please turn to the left.
You are driving on Friedrichswall, please follow that street until you reach Aegidientorplatz (the “Theater am Aegi” is at our right).
Please pay attention to the signs leading towards “Fernverkehr Messe”.
Direction to the trade fair area by underground
Of course you can reach the trade fair area comfortably by underground.
The underground station “Kröpke” is a 5-minute-foot-walk from the hotel. Please get on line No. 8 to “Messe Nord” (approximately 20 minutes).
Please make sure that you have bought a ticket before you board the underground, there is no ticket service inside the wagons. Usually, the trade fair ticket does not include the underground transport anymore.